Your neighbors see the coming and going at your house and
are probably more familiar with your schedule than you think. They know when your in-laws are visiting from
out of town, when your dog barks at the UPS delivery person and when your
sprinklers are running off schedule. You
probably know the same things about your neighbors without even realizing
it. Most of us don’t even think about it
until we see something out of the ordinary in our neighborhood. This is why it is so important to be a good
neighbor. We can help our neighbors by
taking in the paper when they are out of town, letting them borrow that cup of
sugar or notifying them of any suspicious activities. The benefits of being a good neighbor are
numerous. Not only will you feel good
about what you are doing by setting a good example, but your community will be
friendlier and your neighborhood safer. You
may even inspire your neighbors to be good neighbors too!